How can we help you?

Redirection Options

Keep your traffic in check with MXA URL Shortener! Our advanced options let you optimize and filter at the click of a button – all while using just one short link.

Our script includes a powerful parameter feature that allows users to streamline the forwarding of...
Updated 1 year ago
With custom parameters and UTM settings, you can easily transform a long link into an engaging short...
Updated 1 year ago
Short links can now be tracked with Pixels! Assign custom pixels to each link and get triggered upon...
Updated 1 year ago
Customize the meta tags of your long URL to create an outstanding experience for visitors! Easily...
Updated 1 year ago
Utilizing Language Targeting is an innovative way to customize user experience. It allows for URL...
Updated 1 year ago
Utilize device targeting to reach new heights in engaging your audience - precisely target different...
Updated 1 year ago
Targeting an audience can be as precise as desired with the ability to define custom URLs based on...
Updated 1 year ago